About Us

We’ve all been there. Searching for hours online to find a qualified plumber that’s actually local to you who has a great reputation. It gets tiring. Large directories display just about everyone they can, which means you still need to spend a lot of additional time reviewing each company. And it’s boring. It’s inefficient. It’s a bit too much work. That’s why we have created Top Locals. It’s our way of giving you back your valuable time.

We only feature qualified professionals in your area. All of our selections are hand picked. We sort through the reviews and find ones that are genuine. And we only show you the ones with the best reviews. You can trust the research team at Top Locals to save you hours of research so you only need to question which local professional is best for you and your budget.

What We Do

We’ve spent hours and hours scouring the internet through various different platforms and cross analyzing many different data points. Our selection process has brought us to feature only the best providers. You won’t find any professionals here that haven’t received real, legitimate reviews from your neighbors. And we’ve taken it a step further to include all the necessary details about the company in one easy to use platform.

We’re still working on expanding to all locations across the United States, but trust us, we are going to cover everything. We’re starting on the bigger cities and working our way into all areas of life.

The Selection Process

With our custom tools, we analyze public data and compile a master list of all professionals in a given industry. We narrow these down to state and city levels and then the real fun begins. We go through and eliminate anyone not in good standing in their communities. We review their reviews to ensure they are legitimate. We remove anyone with negative reviews and we won’t show you anyone who hasn’t been reviewed yet. In fact, we won’t display you a professional at all if they don’t have a few reviews.

After we’ve narrowed down our list, we go through and fill in all the necessary data points that we can. Though we try to do everything ourselves, if you are a business owner who has been listed, please contact us if some of the information is incorrect or not up to date.

We pride ourselves on having the most up to date directory available online. We pride ourselves on the choices we have made. We pride ourselves on the communities we help. If any of the information is inaccurate or you have had a bad experience with one of the listed professionals in your area. We will promptly remove them from our list so no one else has to have a negative experience.

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